What we mean by quality.
For us, quality means more than just product quality. We apply an all-embracing quality philosophy in order to be a top-class partner for you in every respect.
Quality begins in the mind. Our staff take pride in being the quality leaders and are committed to further consolidating this position in their daily work.
For us, quality means that our customers are totally satisfied with the goods and services we provide. And because numerous factors affect our performance, we operate with an extended quality concept that covers not only the product, but also all the relevant processes.
Safeguarding this all-embracing quality calls for more than just ISO 9001:2015 certification – which we naturally have. That’s why we developed the MGI Business System, which defines and implements binding standards for all areas of the company, from supplier selection and employee qualification, all the way to innovation management.
In short: We live quality.

Quality control
Our products are subject to stringent quality control. Expert specialists carefully check every production batch – and every single component in the case of selected assemblies. The methods we use for this purpose include spectral analysis, grain size determination, hardness tests and – as the only company in the world – eccentricity measurements.