Quality Tubes
Quality Tubes.
It was in 1906 that the tube drawing works of “Metallwerke Gustav Imhäuser” laid the foundations for Olpe’s internationally renowned tube industry. Today, the “tube engineers” from MGI are considered to be the world’s quality leaders in semi-finished tube products.
MGI specialises in seamless drawn precision tubes made of non-ferrous metals, particularly brass and copper.
We draw round and profiled quality tubes in dimensions from
0.8 to 65 mm, in straight lengths and in coils.
Provided it is technically feasible, our “tube engineers” will implement any individual requirement you may have.
The drawing of tubes made of TUNGUM® (CW700R) is a particular speciality of MGI.
Detailed information on the alloys we offer, examples of profiles and data sheets can be found in the Downloadarea.