What we do for the environment.
Ecology and sustainability play an important role for us – not just as a good intention, but in our day-to-day business. We practise what we promise and consistently implement environmental protection within the company, a fact that has also been confirmed by our certification to ISO 14001:2015 since March 2012.
We particularly focus on the following sectors in this respect:

Water protection: All waste water from production is carefully treated for discharge into the sewer system. We regularly achieve values below the statutory limits in the process. We exclusively use biodegradable drawing compounds.

Energy: We consume as little energy as possible in all our processes and use energy-saving HID technology to light our production areas, for example. In addition, various projects are in progress in connection with heat recuperation and the use of renewable energies.

Packaging: We give priority to using packagings made of recycled material or multi-trip packagings. If disposable packagings are unavoidable, they must be at least partially recyclable.

Suppliers: We give preference to working with local suppliers in order to keep distances short and thus reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions.